

题 目:纳米光学技术与应用

报 告 人:汪 远  南京微纳科技研究院 院长   

时 间:2019年9月12日(周四)上午 10:00  

地 点:田家炳南楼203

摘要:We are now living in an era of information explosion, and applications of portable devices are calling for new technologies to access/process larger volume of data within a much smaller physical size. The semiconductor industry has long recognized the fact that traditional electronic solutions will not satisfy such requirements in the long term. The demand for ever-increasing data speed and chip functionalities call for downscaling photonic devices, similar to the trend in electronics. In this seminar, I will present our current research essential for the development of next generation nanophotonic and optoelectronic devices to solve related challenges. The talk will cover both nanomanufacturing and ultrathin optical materials. Ultimately these approaches have profound impacts on critical areas such as high-speed data communication, health care and energy harvesting.


汪远,南京微纳科技研究院院长、南京微纳科技有限公司总经理。于美国伯克利加州大学获得博士学位,在伯克利加州大学美国纳米尺度科学及工程研究中心任课题负责人和中心副主任期间领导了多项核心技术的研发,包括超高精密度制造平台、超分辨率等离子光刻、亚波长高速成像。他的研究主要集中在纳米光学和光电子学上,特别是超颖材料及二维材料的表征及其纳米光子学应用。撰写了 90 多篇学术文章均发表在顶级科学期刊上,包括《科学》、《自然》、《物理评论快报》、《纳米快报》等,被来自40多个国家学者和研发人员广泛引用超过4000次。