10月21日报告:2D Ferroelectrics: Candidate for controllable physical and chemical applications


报告:2D Ferroelectrics: Candidate for controllable physical and chemical applications

报告人:Liangzhi Kou (寇良志), Queensland university of Technology



时间: 20201021日,1330-300

会议 ID921 549 802 (腾讯会议)



The recent emerged 2D ferroelectrics have attracted tremendous research interests due to their promising application in nonvolatile electronics devices. The reversible electric polarization of ferroelectrics from the off‐centered positive and negative surfaces can effectively lift the band states near Fermi level and modulate the charge distribution, which therefore play important roles for the controllable electronic/magnetic properties and chemical reactions. In present talk, based on the latest revealed 2D ferroelectrics, I will introduce the research progress of ferroelectric controlled physical properties and chemical reactions, including the effects of reversible polarization on magnetic and electronic behaviors, polarization dependent photocatalytic water splitting, gas adsorptions and CO2 reduction. The associated applications in electronics, sensors and energy conversion are also discussed. At last, the possible research directions of 2D ferroelectrics have also been proposed.



2010-2011 内华达大学拉斯维加斯校区访问学者


2014-2015 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学博士后

2015-2108获得澳大利亚研究理事会DECRA fellow(优青)。

2015年开始作为lecturer任教于昆士兰科技大学(QUT),2017升任为Senior lecturer


主要研究方向为二维材料的力电磁耦合,拓扑绝缘体,二维铁电及多铁材料以及其在能源转换和存储方面的应用。现已发表论文120余篇,包括Nano Lett, ACS Nano, Adv. Mater.,引用超过5000.